
FastWPF fully supports MVVM and thus supports you in your daily work. For each XAML file FastWPF must be able to determine what the underlying ViewModel is.


Therefore you have to set the DataContext once. As soon as you have done this, you get the editor mask for your ViewModel.


The editor mask is able to change values of your ViewModel at any time. These changes are immediately reflected in the XAML preview. So you can even examine formatting and borderline cases immediately interactively.


In the case of lists, you can add or delete entries or simply empty the entire list. Even complicated DataGrids are no longer a problem.


All changes made are saved and stored in a separate file. Thus these presettings are even deposited for the later use and with a renewed treatment you receive the same view as with leaving.


If desired, this file can be included in the source code management - so that the entire team even benefits afterwards.

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